Saturday, March 25, 2017

"Students don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care." - John C. Maxwell

(March 22, 2017. 12:10 - 1:45 PM)

The classroom is as empty as it was last week, but this time Ms. S doesn't really have a reason why. Q is the only one from our little table here. This didn't make for any lack of things to do, however.
Today's class went quickly, most likely because Q and I were laboring so intensely over polynomial long division.
We were struggling.
I pull my chair beside Q and we launch into the numbers and 'x's. As we work, two other students come up and ask for my help. I haven't talked to them much beyond some banter before class, so I'm happy that they feel comfortable enough to come up and ask me questions. It is, however, a little odd. They came up and politely interrupted Q and I (neither of us minded) although the other two college tutors sat free in the back of the classroom. I didn't give it much thought... but I do wonder if perhaps I was more successfully presenting an open and friendly demeanor than I had given myself credit for. I can be hopeful.
The two girls don't ask just one question- one flits between my side and her seat across the classroom and the other sits down across from me. I'm happy to help, happy that the students want my help. 
All the while, Q and I are working (wandering?) our way through the problems. He's comfortable with me and we're laughing at our difficulties. Frustration is kept at bay, but the potential is there.
"This [expletive] is hard." Q's tone is somewhere between disinterest and wonder.
Words come out of my mouth before they've finished forming in my head. "No, it's not." I pause and realize my mistake. "I take that back; I'm sorry. It is hard. We both know it is. I know that you can do it though. Yeah, it's hard, but you're intelligent. This is just going to take a little more work."
"Yeah," Q nods slowly. We keep working.
Class is coming to an end. As he begins to pack his bag, I ask Q if I was able to help today.
"Yeah, thanks. It's hard though."
"Yeah, it is. But do you feel like you can do it now?"
He grins. "I guess. Yeah, I do."

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